Frequently Asked Questions

Record labels usually offer money to their artists to help cover the cost of these kinds of services. Do you do that?

So… the short answer is no. The money that record labels are able to “offer” is actually more like a loan, and they expect the artist to eventually pay them back what they invested plus some.

What we’re doing here at Echoes of Eden is similar to labels in the sense that we’re building a team of other creative professionals around you that is cohesive and centrally located. All of the members of your team (whichever services you want to obtain from us) all know each other and you, and are able to collaborate on your unique needs and dreams. You, your photographer, and your audio producer, for instance, could (and will) work together to help you curate your physical and musical image. Not to mention that they’re all skill-vetted, cool, and super hot and talented, just like you!

The longer answer is that we’re here to help. One of our biggest dreams here at Echoes is to make the music industry more accessible, and we would be hypocrites if we priced people out, since financial barriers are a huge prohibitor of people’s careers getting afloat. This is why it’s really important that we have a consultation, because we can get a better understanding of your budget and make an individualized plan for you. We are currently working on a scholarship program, and are always open to zero-interest payment plans!

I’m nervous to come in for a consultation. You’re not high-pressure sales people, are you?

We are about as far away from intimidating, high-pressure sales people as you can get. Echoes of Eden is meant to be a warm, welcoming, inclusive environment that would never pressure people into making financial commitments that they aren’t ready to make. Even if you come to a consultation not ready to book yet, we would love to chat with you and show you around. Or if you come in wanting to book, and leave deciding that we’re not for you- that’s completely fine!

On the note of inclusivity - please let us know if there are accommodations that you need before coming in that would make your experience more accessible. We’re more than happy to help you out. Feel free to bring a (mostly behaved) pet along if you like!